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What is hCG?

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is sometimes called “the pregnancy hormone” because of its important role in maintaining pregnancy.

There are a variety of reasons why a doctor might prescribe hCG to a man.
To help address hypogonadism

In men, doctors prescribe hCG to help address the symptoms of hypogonadism, such as low testosterone and infertility. hCG can help the body increase its production of testosterone and sperm, which can help reduce infertility.
To improve testosterone deficiency

Injections of hCG are also sometimes used as an alternative to testosterone products in MAABs with testosterone deficiency.

Testosterone deficiency is defined as testosterone blood levels less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) along with symptoms of low testosterone. These include:

    a low sex drive
    depressed mood

According to the American Urological Association, hCG is appropriate for those MAABs with testosterone deficiency who also desire to maintain fertility.

Testosterone products boost levels of the hormone in the body but can have the side effects of shrinking the gonads, altering sexual function, and causing infertility.

hCG can help increase:

    gonad size
    testosterone levels

Some doctors believe that using testosterone along with hCG may help improve symptoms of testosterone deficiency while preventing some of testosterone’s side effects.
To improve sexual function

hCG may also help improve sexual function in MAABs who don’t experience improvement while on testosterone.
To reverse steroid side effects

Bodybuilders who take anabolic steroids such as testosterone also sometimes use hCG to help prevent or reverse some of the side effects steroids cause, such as gonad shrinkage and infertility.

HCG 5000IU


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